Archive for the ‘Homelife’ Category

Bye Bye Sweet Max

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009

Max was up and down throughout the night last night, pacing and dry heaving. Poor thing, we thought it was just a spell, or perhaps something was just temporarily stuck in his throat that he would pass. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

So, our loving Doberman of almost 10 years has passed away. Though he was aging, the loss was still unexpected.

bailey7-0252bailey-2006-03-19-0052bailey-2006-10-23-0051After researching, we realized he died of dog bloat. I guess it can hit any large breed, epecially the deep-chested dogs (Dobermans, Weinmariners, Greyhounds, etc…). Of course, we feel as everyone does after a loss like this — if we only knew the symptoms maybe we could have done something for him, or have known to rush him to a 24-hour veterinarian for emergency surgery.

So, if you have a large dog, PLEASE READ about dog bloat so you’ll know how to spot it. It unfortunately kills within a few hours.

From Jeff:

How can Doberman be sweet and loving? I know it sounds odd for a breed that is often portrayed as vicious. But Max was a smart, old soul that preferred petting, play and love to almost anything — including food. He would constantly seek attention, affection and praise and seemed to have only one goal — to please his “owners.” As a puppy, even his dog trainer recognized his willingness to learn and asked if she could keep him to train as a police dog (no thanks! we’d like to take him home.).

He was definitely a “one of a kind” and we were lucky to have him as a part of our family. Max we miss you!

Bailey doesn’t quite understand what’s happened, and though we’ve told her Max has gone to be in heaven — she thinks he’s still at the Grandparents and will return soon. 🙁

From Amy:

Dear Sweet Max,

Our house just isn’t the same, you were such a big presence in our home…I don’t think it will ever be the same again. I cry, I feel numb, I feel empty…I HURT!

You were with me before I had my human family, you kept me company, you kept me safe, and you gave me an unconditional love that is one of the sweetest kind’s of love anyone could ever ask for. You never asked for much…just to be loved and to be petted, and we certainly didn’t mind giving you that.

I took Maggie out this morning, and saw the chipmunk and the squirrel that you were always after…and I ached (Maggie didn’t even notice them). The dog across the street still barks, but you are not here to answer him. When the garage door opens, your not here to do your little dance and come to get me to let me know that Daddy and Bailey are home. We get in bed at night and just keep waiting for you to jump up and get your special petting and alone time with us, but your not here.

It is so quiet here without you…I miss you so much! I hope you know how much you were loved, and how many hearts you touched. You will forever have a very special place in my heart…I love you Max!

With all my love,

Bailey Loves Playing "Dress Up" (So Does Max)

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

Bailey will try on just about anything around the house (Amy’s shoes, my socks, hats, etc…). 

She’s definitely a girly-girl and loves jewelry and accessories (I know…  we’re in trouble).

Here she is trying on Amy’s shoes:

bailey-2007-10-13 001

now, wearing a potential Halloween costume (her fourth choice so far):

bailey-2007-10-13 002

and with a Princess outfit (she says: “I love it!”):

bailey-2007-10-13 003

Now it’s Max’s turn (poor Doberman):


Around the House

Friday, July 13th, 2007

Here’s Bailey dressed in her genie outfit. No reason for dressing up, she just saw it in her closet and wanted to put it on.

Bailey is definitely a girly-girl… she loves bracelets, necklaces, earrings and dressing up.

I’m not so sure about the facial expression here:

Getting Daddy to try on a bracelet:

More of Bailey in pigtails:

The Armoire Project

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Aunt Gigi and Amy decided it would be a good idea to re-paint the armoire we have in Bailey’s playroom in the basement.

What started as a 2 hour project, became a 2 day project. Though I don’t have any “BEFORE” pictures, I have some “DURING” and “AFTER” shots.

Here’s the armoire stripped of its hardware and primed:

Here’s Bailey helping out with the painting:

and her helping to plug in the sander (she learned this on her own):

We took a break to have some dinner. Here’s Bailey with Aunt Gigi’s glasses… and us about to eat some of Grandma’s soup:

Two days later… the finished product:

Let the First Birthday Celebration Begin!

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

Bailey with mom wearing her “1st Birthday” hat.  I guess the hat was too cute not to purchase…  seeing as we probably won’t get any more use out of it.

Next, all smiles while opening gifts…

Now it’s time for some birthday cake:

Christy and Cooper join in on the action…

Christy & Cooper AND Destiny

The Great-grandparents arrive… Here’s Bailey with Nana Jones:

Ella and another with Aunt Shirley, Ella & Bailey snuggling:

Below, Aunt Gigi with little Taylor and Bailey:

More Birthday cake???

Bailey doesn’t seem to like her party hat: 🙁

So we distract with the cake and she starts to dig in…

Fischer & I get in on the feeding frenzy…

All done with the “smash cake:”

Now, it’s time to blow out the candles on the “real” cake:

Great-Grandfather Papa Jones trades in his Stetson for a REAL hat:

More gifts? There’s too many to list… thanks everyone for coming and thank you for the gifts… Bailey’s enjoying them all!