Archive for the ‘Jeff’ Category

Snow? You’re Kidding, Right?

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

In Georgia? Who would’ve thunk it? It actually stayed on the ground for a full 24 hours. And, of course, the schools were shut down for a week…

I dunno where we found the mittens… I think they were being used as potholders…

Time to find a makeshift sled:

The original video was extremely dark… so this grainy lookin’ thing is the best I could do given my amateur video-editing skills:

After a cautious first run, and tons of giggles from Bailey, it was time to try and generate some speed…

Christmas Eve Gifts

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

Time to start openin’ some presents!

We couldn’t wait until Christmas Day to open them all — we had to get a head start the evening prior.

Dunno why Bailey wanted to wear her cow costume. You think we could have put one of her thousands of Christmas-themed outfits. Oh well, here she is starting to dig in:

Bailey had been asking for a new “kitchen” for Christmas. So, of course, the Grandparents had to spoil her.

Amy and I still laugh about her surprise and reaction: “It’s… it’s… it’s… KITCHEN!”

and Jeff gets…

a new Martin guitar now known affectionately as “Blondie.”


Saturday, October 13th, 2007

We all packed up and went to the beach (Navarre Beach, FL) for our first family vacation.

We arrived late at night and the next morning Bailey woke up early to explore her new surroundings:

Here she is playing in the sand:

and chasing the seagulls:

We went back out to the beach at sunset:

the glass on my digital camera isn’t good enough to capture the low light shots without a flash, but some these came out OK (even with the blur):

Maybe it’s time for a new camera?

An innocent bystander offered to take a family shot:

Around the House

Friday, July 13th, 2007

Here’s Bailey dressed in her genie outfit. No reason for dressing up, she just saw it in her closet and wanted to put it on.

Bailey is definitely a girly-girl… she loves bracelets, necklaces, earrings and dressing up.

I’m not so sure about the facial expression here:

Getting Daddy to try on a bracelet:

More of Bailey in pigtails:

Off to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Sunday, May 27th, 2007

Amy & I had never been, so we thought it’d be a good idea to take Bailey (Mom & Dad) to the Gardens for a visit.

Here’s Bailey’s new favorite thing to do… ride the escalator:


Bug Sculpture?
